For the industrial market our solutions provide the smarter solution compared to traditional equipment. They also meet requirements for height safety and sustainable employment for large multinationals concerned about work well-being.
To perform work as efficiently as possible while minimizing risk, modern solutions and changing old habits are required. At Power Towers our mission is to do this.
We ensure that operators can work more safely, efficiently, and comfortably. That is why we designed our solutions always having the operator in mind. All our products have a fully guarded safety platform to elevate the operator to the desired height. As soon the operator elevates the machine breaks automatically. The operator can then easily adjust the height up and down to work comfortably and efficiently for longer periods of time. These features make our products ideal, for installations, maintenance and repair work at low level heights (up to 5.1 meters).
We are committed to providing smarter alternatives to traditional working methods like scaffolding, ladders and podiums. Our products create a safer and more sustainable working environment, improving productivity and reducing body stress and fatigue for users.
Our base criteria are the design and development of products to help operators to install, maintain, and repair buildings, industrial sites, process equipment and systems safely, while reducing the potential for musculoskeletal injury, stress and fatigue.
The Power Towers portfolio offers solutions that are:
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