Emergency rescue response planning while working at height

Working at height may present certain risks, making emergency rescue planning important for ensuring the safety of workers. Whether in construction, maintenance, or other industries, proper preparation has to be done before operating at height. In this article, we’ll delve into essential strategies for effective emergency rescue planning in such environments.  

Risk assessment and prevention 

Before any work begins, a thorough risk assessment must be conducted on site to identify potential hazards. This includes evaluating the height of the work area, the type of environment needed, and the nature of tasks to be performed. Taking proactive measures to mitigate risks, such as installing guardrails, using safety harnesses, and providing appropriate training, can help prevent emergencies from occurring in the first place. 

Training and education 

All workers involved in tasks at height must receive comprehensive training in safety procedures and emergency protocols. This includes proper usage of personal protective equipment (PPE), familiarization with rescue equipment, and understanding the steps to take in the event of emergency. Regular refresher courses should be conducted to ensure that workers remain competent and confident in their abilities.  

Establishing rescue procedures 

Clear and well-defined rescue procedures should be established and communicated to all personnel. Rescue plans for work at height need to be individually tailored to each job being performed. This includes identifying designated rescue team members, outlining communication protocols, and specifying the equipment and techniques to be used during rescue operations. Practice drills should be conducted regularly to ensure that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities in the event of emergency.  

Power Towers machines have their own rescue procedures. It is required that all users review the manual and familiarize with the full emergency lowering procedure before operating the mobile elevating platform.  

MEWPs from manual push-around family such as Pecolift and Ecolift include an emergency lowering tool, which is meant to be used to rotate the flywheel from the ground position. By turning the wheel anti-clockwise the platform can be descended. To remove the casualty, the gates should be detached, first. It can be easily done by pulling the cable to release the locking pin and then proceeding to pull out the hinge pin. The emergency lowering tool can be used only when the platform is loaded, that is why before removing incapacitated operator from the basket, it is important to take the tool off the flywheel first. 

If you are using electrical mobile elevated platform such as Power Tower or Nano 35, the emergency rescue procedure is a bit different. These machines have emergency ground controls, which can be accessed by the rescuer. Under cover of the box, there is a key, which has to be turned to the emergency position. Afterwards, the rescuer must press the emergency button to lower the platform.  

This is why it is crucial to be familiarized with the specific machine operated on site to be prepared for emergency situations.

Selection and maintenance of rescue equipment

Adequate rescue equipment must be readily available on site and in good working condition. This includes items such as harnesses, ropes, descent devices, and anchorage points. Regular inspections and maintenance checks should be carried out to ensure that all equipment meets safety standards and is ready for use at a moment’s notice. 

Emergency response plan

In addition to specific rescue procedures, an overarching emergency response plan should be in place to address a wide range of potential scenarios. This includes communication channels with emergency services, designating assembly point for personnel, and providing medical training to designated responders. The plan should be regularly reviewed and updated to account for changes in personnel, equipment, or procedures.  

Collaboration and coordination

Effective emergency rescue planning requires collaboration and coordination between all the parties involved, including operators, supervisors, safety officers, and emergency responders. Regular meetings should be held to discuss safety concerns, review incident reports, and identify areas for improvement.  By working together, everyone can contribute to creating a safer working environment.  


In conclusion, emergency rescue planning is a critical aspect of working at height that should not be overlooked. By conducting thorough risk assessments, providing comprehensive training, establishing clear procedures, maintaining proper equipment, and fostering collaboration, organizations can ensure safety and well-being of their workers even in the most challenging situations.  

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