A Successful Partnership: Cramer Arbeitsbühnen and Power Towers

Jan Bernard Schumacher
Managing director at Cramer Arbeitsbühnen
Jan Bernard Schumacher
Managing director at Cramer Arbeitsbühnen

In the bustling rental industry of Northwest North Rhine-Westphalia and the Hamburg area, Cramer Arbeitsbühnen stands out as a family-owned rental company managing a fleet of 1600 to 1700 machines. With a dealership agreement with JLG, Cramer holds approximately 100 Power Towers MEWPs in stock. The company’s success is not only attributed to its wide range of rental options but also to its strategic partnerships, particularly with Power Towers.

“My name is Jan Bernard Schumacher, and I am the managing director of Cramer Arbeitsbühnen,” begins Jan, offering a glimpse into his role within the company. “I oversee rental and sales business operations, IT, and internal organizational processes.” As a family-owned business, Cramer Arbeitsbühnen operates under the leadership of Jan, his wife Annekathrin Schumacher-Cramer (who mainly handles finance and accounting), and his father-in-law Peter Cramer (who mainly manages technical aspects and workshops). Together, they ensure the smooth running of the company’s operations and strategic planning.

The Beginning of a Partnership

The collaboration between Cramer Arbeitsbühnen and Power Towers began in late 2010. Schumacher recalls, “CEO Brian King and salesperson Peter Ellis visited us and demonstrated the Power Tower and Nano SP. We were impressed and purchased 12 machines for our rental fleet. By 2011, we had an official dealership with Power Towers.”

Why Power Towers?

The decision to partner with Power Towers was driven by a desire to explore new markets and offer safer, more efficient alternatives to traditional ladders. Jan Schumacher explains, “These MEWPs could replace ladders and access areas where scissors or small articulated booms couldn’t go due to their heavy weight.” The versatility and safety of Power Towers’ machines made them an attractive addition to Cramer’s rental fleet.

Quality and Reliability

Jan’s experience with Power Towers’ products has been exceptional. “The machines are really good, and we rarely have any technical problems,” notes Jan. This reliability, coupled with the ease of maintenance, has made Power Towers a trusted brand for Cramer.

Support and Communication

Jan Schumacher praises the communication and support from Power Towers, highlighting the positive and direct interactions. “If we have a problem, someone tries to solve it straight away. When we had problems, it was easy to call the UK service team, and they always provided solutions. I feel comfortable in our relationship as a distributor,” says Jan.

Since Power Towers’ acquisition by JLG, Cramer has continued to receive prompt and effective support from the JLG office in Germany. The simplicity of the machines also allows Cramer’s technicians to resolve issues independently.

Training Support

While initial support was minimal, Cramer’s relationship with Power Towers evolved positively over time. Jan highlights the significant impact of Jonas Dörnen, a German Business Development Manager at Power Towers, who provided invaluable advice on attracting customers and optimizing sales strategies. “Jonas, being German, understands the local legislation, market, and mentality. He tests techniques himself and shares his experiences, which help us implement them effectively,” Schumacher explains.

Marketing Support

Cramer has benefited from Power Towers’ marketing support, including assistance with launching a new website and access to a collection of promotional images. A notable upcoming initiative is a large email campaign targeting 60,000 professionals across Germany, funded by JLG Power Towers. Additionally, Power Towers has committed to covering half the cost of Cramer’s participation in a trade fair, which will take place in October 2024 in Stuttgart.

Regional Selling Specifics

Selling low-level-access equipment in Germany comes with its challenges, particularly due to less stringent legislation compared to the UK. However, Jan points out that the local legislation is evolving. “Currently, there’s no pressure for maintenance or security personnel to switch from ladders to mobile elevating platforms.” However, he emphasizes the cost-effectiveness and safety benefits of Power Towers products, which require only one operator and reduce injury-related downtime.

“Using Power Towers can save companies money because only one person is needed for the job, reducing the risk of injury and associated costs,” explains Jan. The versatility, serviceability, and transportability of Power Towers products further enhance their appeal. Operators can carry tools and materials to height, reducing strain and improving efficiency.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback on Power Towers’ products has been overwhelmingly positive, with many clients returning to purchase additional machines. “Customers appreciate the cost optimization and the quick completion of projects,” Jan shares. This positive reception has reinforced Cramer’s confidence in their partnership with Power Towers.

Growth and Future Opportunities

Since partnering with Power Towers, Cramer has seen significant growth. “Our sales figures have gone up, especially with the addition of a dedicated salesperson for Power Towers product,” says Jan. Looking ahead, Cramer plans to expand its team and fleet, with a new salesperson joining in June and a subsidiary in Hamburg set to increase customer reach. They aim to enhance their online presence through SEO marketing.


Jan Schumacher is enthusiastic about the collaboration with Power Towers. “I’m really happy with how things are working and hope to continue our partnership in the future. He welcomes competition and collaboration in the low-level access market, believing it will benefit everyone involved.

The partnership between Cramer and Power Towers exemplifies successful collaboration, mutual growth, and a shared commitment to safety and efficiency in the low-level access market.

Mobile Elevated Work Platform Power Towers

Learn more about Cramer Arbeitsbühnen on their website: cramer-arbeitsbuehnen.de

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