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How Power Towers benefit operator’s health and ergonomics 

In the dynamic world of construction, maintenance and fit-outs, where working at height is a common practice, it is important to prioritize the health and ergonomics of operators. Power Towers’ low-level access platforms are designed with operator’s well-being in mind, offering a range of benefits that go beyond just reaching elevated workplaces.  Reducing physical strain  …

Scaffolding: Identifying and Mitigating the risks 

Many companies in construction industry are still using scaffolding to access elevated areas. This piece of equipment is common in the industry, but unfortunately, more frequently we read the news about serious accidents and injuries happening on the worksites. In this article, we will discuss the risks associated with scaffolding usage and explore preventive measures …

Power Towers Maschinen: Die wichtigsten Teile erklärt 

Power Towers mobile elevated platforms consist of various essential parts that contribute to the machines’ functionality and safety.   Manual elevated MEWPs Power Towers’ manual elevated platforms, such as Pecolift, are designed to provide a safer alternative to traditional ladders. One of the crucial parts, all of our machines have, is gates, that make the platforms …

Wie Sie die versteckten Kosten von Leitern reduzieren können 

In the world of construction, ladders are often perceived as simple tools with a minimal impact on the budget. However, this perception belies the hidden costs ladders pose to a company.  While ladders are inexpensive, they can inadvertently lead to wasteful motion, causing fatigue and reducing productivity. The consequences of reduced productivity are significant, as …


Ein Vertriebspartner von Power Towers zu werden, öffnet die Türen zu einer Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten in der dynamischen Welt der Steiglösungen. Power Towers, ein Tochterunternehmen von JLG Industries, bietet seinen Partnern eine Reihe von Vorteilen, die es zu einem attraktiven Angebot für Unternehmen machen, die auf dem Markt für Höhenzugangstechnik erfolgreich sein wollen. 1. Produktportfolio Eines der ...

Kraftwerkstürme in Schräglage

In der Welt des Bauens und der Instandhaltung sollte die Sicherheit immer an erster Stelle stehen. Wenn es um den Einsatz von Spezialgeräten wie Power Towers geht, ist es entscheidend, ihre Grenzen zu kennen, um eine sichere Arbeitsumgebung zu gewährleisten. Einer der wichtigsten Aspekte, der oft übersehen wird, ist die Neigung oder der Abhang, auf dem diese Maschinen betrieben werden. Power ...

ATEX-zertifizierte Power Towers Maschinen  

Power Towers machines have become an indispensable tool in various industries, providing efficient access for tasks at low-level height. As safety regulations continue to evolve, there’s a growing emphasis on ensuring equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres meets stringent standards.  ATEX is derived from the French term “Atmosphères explosibles.” It refers to the European Union …

Gesetzliche Vorschriften für Arbeiten in der Höhe  

Working at height presents certain risks, making it crucial for stringent regulations to be in place to ensure the safety of workers. Governments and occupational safety organizations worldwide have implemented comprehensive laws to mitigate the dangers associated with elevated work environments. Work at height law regulations may vary in different countries and jurisdictions!  One of …

Arbeiten in der Höhe in Datencentern  

In the world of data centers the need for effective solutions in working at height has never been more crucial. Traditional methods of accessing elevated spaces within these facilities often come with challenges. Power Towers’ mobile elevated platforms are reshaping the landscape by offering innovative solutions that cater to the demands of data center environments.  …

Power Towers erobert Höhen in der Veranstaltungsbranche 

Power Towers, ein führender Hersteller von mobilen Hubarbeitsbühnen (MEWPs), hat einen mutigen Schritt in die dynamische Welt der Veranstaltungen gewagt und ist Mitglied der Events Supplier and Services Association (ESSA) geworden. Dieser strategische Schritt markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für Power Towers, da das Unternehmen sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, in die florierende Veranstaltungsbranche einzudringen. ...