2024 m. trumpai tariant

As 2024 wrapped up, Power Towers looks back on a year filled with achievements and strong collaborations that have driven our growth and success. Last year has been a testament to our commitment to innovation, global outreach, and delivering solutions that redefine working at height.  Advancing Innovation with Customer-Focused Solutions  Innovation remains at the heart …

Kodėl verta rinktis elektrinius stumdomus galios bokštus? 

Electric push-around Power Towers are becoming a popular choice in industries that require safe, efficient access to elevated work areas. Whether in construction, facility maintenance, or warehouse operations, these mobile elevating platforms offer several advantages that make them stand out from traditional access solutions. Here’s why customers should consider making the switch to electric push-around …

Kodėl "Power Towers" neparduodami fiziniams asmenims 

Power Towers, known for their compact, mobile elevating work platforms, are a go-to solution in various industries for safe and efficient working at height. However, when it comes to individual customers or homeowners, Power Towers aren’t typically available in the marketplace. Several key factors contribute to this, primarily revolving around the construction of the machines, …

Inovacinės aukštumos: Gilus pasinėrimas į galios bokštus 

In a fast-evolving industry where safety, efficiency, and innovations are paramount, Power Towers has emerged as a trailblazer. We sat down with Jonathan Dawson, the General Manager of EMEA Verticals at Power Towers, to uncover the secrets behind company’s success and the exciting future that lies ahead.  Meet Jonathan  Jonathan’s extensive experience in the industry …

JLG atsarginių dalių rinka: Kas tai yra? 

When you invest in heavy equipment, especially in the demanding fields of construction and industrial operations, the purchase is just the beginning of your journey. Ensuring that your equipment is running smoothly and efficiently requires ongoing support, knowledge, and easy access to essential resources. That’s where JLG aftermarket comes in—a comprehensive ecosystem designed to care …

Savaeigių MEWP privalumai

In the ever-evolving landscape of construction and maintenance, efficiency and safety are vital. One technological advancement that has significantly impacted these fields is the self-propelled mobile elevated work platform (MEWP). These versatile machines offer unparalleled mobility, ease of use, and safety features that make them an essential tool for various applications. Among the leading models …

"Power Towers" "Pecolift" ir "Ecolift" nauda aplinkai 

In the world of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), innovation and sustainability often go hand in hand. Power Towers has set a new standard with its Pecolift and Ecolift, two groundbreaking solutions that embody environmental friendliness and efficiency. These platforms are designed to minimize environmental impact while providing superior performance for low-level height access. Let’s …

"Power Tower Duo" statyba ir įrengimas

"Power Tower Duo" mobilioji kėlimo platforma yra universalus ir tvirtas įrankis, skirtas įvairioms reikmėms. Didžiausias darbinis aukštis - 5,10 m, platformos keliamoji galia - 250 kg, kompaktiški matmenys, todėl ji tinka tiek statybų, tiek įrengimo darbams. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėsime, kaip "Power Tower Duo" ...

"Pecolift" ir "Ecolift" statybvietėse 

Dinamiškoje statybvietės aplinkoje tinkamos įrangos pasirinkimas yra labai svarbus efektyvumui, saugumui ir našumui užtikrinti. Kai kalbama apie žemo lygio prieigos sprendimus, "Power Towers" "Pecolift" ir "Ecolift" mobiliosios pakeliamos platformos yra populiarus pasirinkimas. Abi jos pasižymi unikaliomis savybėmis ir privalumais, tačiau kaip jos tarpusavyje dera toje pačioje ...

Suprasti JLG garantinį aptarnavimą po pardavimo: Išsamus vadovas 

Dinamiškame sunkiųjų mašinų ir pramoninės įrangos pasaulyje labai svarbu išlaikyti veiklos efektyvumą. "JLG Power Towers" pripažįstame, kad popardaviminė priežiūra atlieka lemiamą vaidmenį užtikrinant mūsų gaminių ilgaamžiškumą ir patikimumą. Specialus JLG popardaviminio aptarnavimo padalinys veikia per "Online Express" platformą, suteikdamas klientams lengvą prieigą prie dalių, paslaugų, ...